New students are always welcome, and may begin learning the ashtanga method simply by attending regular daily classes. No experience is necessary. Please email us to set a time to begin.

New students are encouraged to practice daily for the first month. If daily is not possible, a minimum of three times a week is recommended.

In the Mysore practice, students of all abilities and experiences across all stages of life practice side by side. At your first few practices you will be shown the breathing method and the surya namaskars. You will also be taught about the bandhas (energetic locks). Once you are established in the fundamentals of the breath and surya namaskars, you will be taught the postures one at a time, memorizing them as you go. There is absolutely nothing you need to know about yoga in order to begin.

A Bit More
Ashtanga yoga is a daily practice with rest one day a week, and on the full and new moon days.
Mysore-style is independent practice with individualized instruction. Each student works one-on-one with the teacher, with hands-on adjustments and attention to personalized feedback. You will be taught the sequence of postures one at a time, moving through the series at the pace that is appropriate for your own unique constitution and appetite. Your practice will grow and stabilize as your ability to practice the internal subtle body technique and your ability to concentrate the mind grow. Over time, you build a strong foundation for independent personal practice, experienced collectively within the Mysore room.

Beginner’s Group
Frequently we run a beginner’s group, which starts with an eveningtime workshop, and then meets in the Mysore room for a month. This course will systematically teach new students the essential components of a sustainable yoga practice. The goal of the course is to provide new (or returning) students with the information and context to safely experience yoga with depth. Write if you’d like to be on the list to hear about the next beginner’s group. 

If you would like to learn more about beginning, please send an email.