Ashtanga Yoga Glassell is a community of practitioners engaging with the practical tools for inner knowledge offered by the system of ashtanga yoga. The program is directed and taught by Authorized Level 2 ashtangi Rocket Caleshu.
Ashtanga yoga is a method for clarifying awareness. It takes root through studying the self with non-violence, sustained effort, and an open heart and mind.
From these roots, we build out a set of internal and physical practices that heal and purify the body and nervous system, stabilize the mind, and amplify the breath and its relationship to the subtler reaches of our systems.
It is learned one on one from teacher to student, and practiced in community in the traditional Mysore-style.
We practice in the Eagle Rock neighborhood of Los Angeles at
2104 Colorado Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Please reach out if you have interest in joining us.